Introduction Post


being known as one of the prominent schools in Leicester with its world-class facilities aimed at improving and enriching its students with knowledge and excellence in their respective field, is a very attractive school located in a multi-cultural country. The school is obviously ranked high for good reasons as its learning environment is rich and its staffs are welcoming and comfortable interacting and educating its students in the path they have chosen. Coming to DMU has been a worthwhile journey because its city is a great place to live and the school contains a lot of facilities and avenues for students to engage themselves in and grow from.

I came to DMU to study Computer Science and according to the school's curriculum the compulsory modules i'll be studying for my first year are Database Design and Implementation, Fundamental Concepts Of Computer Science, Computer Programming, Operating Systems And Network. For the second year i'll be studying Object Oriented Design and Development, Data Structures And Algorithms, Web Application Development, Agile Development Team Project. And for my third year i'll be studying Software Development Methods And Standards, Big Data and machine Learning, Development Project. Optional modules too pick from are Functional Programming, Advanced Web Development, Fuzzy Logic And Inference Systems, Privacy And Data Protection. 


Although I've not yet concluded what i''ll opt to study as i'll like to keep my options open and explore the courses in detail to know which will be most suited to me and my goal. As i wish to be able to write programs, build interesting applications and fantastic websites even before the completion of my studies, and I believe that studying in DMU will help me actualize my goals.

I believe the in the next 10 years, I'll be a renown computer programmer.





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