Primary Research (General Questions Analysis)

 The questions related to the main project will be examined in this section. With only 20 participants, the number of participants in the study seems rather small, but it could still be useful to get a sense of the various viewpoints of people from various demographic groups.

Forms response chart. Question title: Is computer programming related to your field of study?
. Number of responses: 20 responses.

From the chart above, it can be seen that 80% of the total respondents are studying courses related to computer programming, while 20% are not studying courses related to computer programming.

Forms response chart. Question title: Are you a programmer?. Number of responses: 20 responses.

From the chart above, it can be seen that 55% of the respondents are programmer, while 35% are not. A portion of the chart indicated that the remaining 10% were not sure of their status.

Forms response chart. Question title: How do you consider yourself as a programmer?
. Number of responses: 20 responses.

From the chart above, it indicates that of the respondents, 55% of the respondents felt they were good computer programmers, followed by 40% that indicated they were just beginners in computer programmers. The lesser 5%, acknowledged that they were professionals in computer programming.

Forms response chart. Question title: How long have you been programming?. Number of responses: 20 responses.

Indicated in the chart above, 40% of the respondents have been programming for a couple months, followed by 20% who have been programming for a year. Apart from respondents who have been programming for 14 yrs and 2-3 respectively and each make up 5%, the remaining can be said to have no experience in programming.

Forms response chart. Question title: Do you think programming is worth the effort?. Number of responses: 19 responses.

From the chart above, 73.7% of the respondents believe that programming is worth the effort, while the remaining 26.3% are not certain that programming is worth the effort.

Forms response chart. Question title: Do you think programming has done more harm than good in the past decade?. Number of responses: 20 responses.

From the chart above, it can be seen that 60% of the respondents do not believe that programming has been harmful in the past decade, while 25% of them are not certain of their stand in the question. And 15% of them believe programming has done more harm than good in the past decade.

Forms response chart. Question title: Do you see yourself programming in the next 5 years?. Number of responses: 20 responses.

From the chart depicted above, it could be seen that 70% of the respondents see themselves programming in the next 5 years, while 30% are not certain they will be programming in the next 5 years.

Forms response chart. Question title: How do you rate the use of AI in programming?. Number of responses: 20 responses.

From the chart above, the respondents were given a scale of 1-10 to rate AI in programming, and 20% rated AI on the scale of 5, 25% rated AI on the scale of 4, while 30% rated AI on the scale of 3. Also 15% and 10% rated AI on the scale of  2 and 1 respectively.

Forms response chart. Question title: Do you believe AI to be better than human in programming?. Number of responses: 20 responses.

From the chart above, 40% of the respondents are not certain of their answers. While 40% rejects that AI is better than humans in programming, and the 20% believe that AI is actually better than humans for their own reasons.


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