Case Study



    A case study is a type of research approach that entails carefully examining a specific circumstance or occurrence from real life in order to learn more about it (Yin, 2014).

    The creation and introduction of the COVID-19 contact tracing software in Singapore serves as one example of a case study in computer programming. In response to the worldwide pandemic and the necessity to monitor and slow the virus' progress, the app TraceTogether was released in March 2020. In order to build a digital trail of close contacts that can be traced in the event that a user tests positive for COVID-19, TraceTogether employs Bluetooth technology to identify and record nearby devices that also have the app loaded.

    TraceTogether was developed and put into use with the help of many different parties, including the general people, government organisations, software developers, and privacy activists. The case study looks at the obstacles and chances each stakeholder group must overcome, including the need to strike a balance between privacy and public health concerns, the technical restrictions and vulnerabilities of Bluetooth-based contact tracing, the social and cultural factors that influence adoption and compliance, and the moral and legal ramifications of data collection and sharing.

    The success of TraceTogether, according to Yap et al. (2020), depended on a number of elements, including the government and developers' transparent and cooperative approach, the use of open-source software and public audits, the active involvement of stakeholders through surveys and feedback mechanisms, and the clear communication of the app's purpose, advantages, and risks. The case study emphasises the significance of user-centered design, iterative development, continual evaluation and improvement, and the development of effective and moral digital solutions for public health and social welfare.


Yin, R. K. (2014). Case study research: Design and methods. Sage Publications (Accessed: June 04 2023).. 

Yap, M., Cheng, Q., Chowdhury, A. F. M. I., Mohan, M., Seow, Y. Y., and Ting, D. H. (2020). Contact tracing mobile app development for COVID-19 in Singapore.  Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association,  27(6), 906-910. DOI: 10.1093/jamia/ocaa039 (Accessed: June 04 2023).


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